
时间: 2022/04/13   作者:   点击:



高宁,男,彝族,198910月出生,中共党员,贵州六盘水人,理学博士。主要研究领域为数量遗传学、分子遗传与动物育种。主持国家自然科学基金(青年基金)1项、广东省自然科学基金1项,参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目等多个研究项目。《BMC Genomics》、《Frontiers in Animal Science》等杂志审稿人。研究论文主要发表于《Genetics》、《BMC Genomics》、《Livestock Science》、《Frontiers in Genetics》等期刊。博士后工作期间,具有3年集团化种猪育种企业现场育种工作经历,主要承担瘦肉型猪基因组选择技术研发与应用、猪配套系培育、现场育种管理、育种数据分析等。




2015/09 – 2017/02 国家公派留学(联合培养),德国哥廷根大学,师从Henner Simianer教授

2014/09 – 2018/06 博士,华南农业大学,师从李加琪教授,获理学(遗传学)博士学位

2011/09 – 2014/06 硕士,华南农业大学,师从李加琪教授,获农学(动物遗传育种与繁殖)硕士学位

2007/09 – 2011/06 本科,华南农业大学,获农学(动物科学)学士学位


2022/01至今 新澳门新葡萄娱乐,讲师

2018/08-2022/01 中山大学生命科学学院,博士后,合作导师:陈瑶生教授


1. 主持,国家自然科学基金-青年基金,基于重测序和mRNA转录本的猪全基因组选择新方法研究,2021.01-2023.1224万元

2. 主持,广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,高效瘦肉型公猪繁殖性状遗传解析,2021.01-2022.1210万元

3. 参与,国家自然科学基金-重点项目,BMP15杂合子促进卵泡排卵及产仔数的分子机制2021.01-2025.12289万元

4. 参与,广东省重点研发项目,地方猪育种技术体系研发与新品系创建,2019.01-2022.12900万元


6. 参与,国家生猪产业技术体系-技术服务项目,基因组选择与生猪遗传改良计划2.0版起草,2019.07-2019.1250万元


1.        Gao N, Martini JWR, Zhang Z, Simianer H, Li J. 2017.Incorporating gene annotation into genomic prediction of complex phenotypes. Genetics. (SCI, IF=4.556, 大类二区)

2.        Gao N., Y. Chen, X. Liu, Y. Zhao, L. Zhu, et al., 2019. Weighted single-step GWAS identified candidate genes associated with semen traits in a Duroc boar population. BMC Genomics. (SCI, IF= 3.594, 大类二区)

3.        Gao N., J. Teng, R. Pan, X. Li, S. Ye, et al., 2019. Accuracy of whole genome prediction with single-step GBLUP in a Chinese yellow-feathered chicken population. Livestock Science. (SCI, IF= 1.700, 大类三区).

4.        Gao N., J. Teng, S. Ye, X. Yuan, S. Huang, et al., 2018. Genomic Prediction of Complex Phenotypes Using Genic Similarity Based Relatedness Matrix. Frontiers in Genetics.(SCI, IF=4.151, 大类二区).

5.        Gao N, Li J, He J, Xiao G, Luo Y, Zhang H, et al. 2015. Improving accuracy of genomic prediction by genetic architecture based priors in a Bayesian model. BMC Genetics. (SCI, IF=2.152, 大类三区)

6.        Zhao Y.#, N. Gao#, J. Cheng, S. El-Ashram, L. Zhu, et al., 2019. Genetic Parameter Estimation and Genomic Prediction of Duroc Boars’Sperm Morphology Abnormalities. Animals. (SCI, IF=2.323, 大类二区, 并列第一作者)

7.        Yuan X-L#, Gao N#, Xing Y, Zhang H-B, Zhang A-L, Liu J, et al. 2016. Profiling the genome-wide DNA methylation pattern of porcine ovaries using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing. Scientific. Reports. (SCI, IF=5.228, 大类二区, 并列第一作者)

8.        Martini JWR, Gao N, Cardoso DF, et al. 2017. Genomic prediction with epistasis models: on the marker-coding-dependent performance of the extended GBLUP and properties of the categorical epistasis model (CE). BMC Bioinformatics. (SCI, IF=2.435)

9.        Gao N, Martini JWR, Zhang Z, Li J, Simianer H. 2016. Approaches to incorporate genome annotation into genomic prediction. Annual meeting of German Society for Animal Production; Hannover, (国际会议论文)

10.    Gao G., N. Gao, S. Li, W. Kuang, L. Zhu, et al., 2021 Genome-Wide Association Study of Meat Quality Traits in a Three-Way Crossbred Commercial Pig Population. Frontiers in Genetics. (SCI, IF=3.258)

11.    Xu L., N. Gao, Z. Wang, L. Xu, Y. Liu, et al., 2020 Incorporating Genome Annotation Into Genomic Prediction for Carcass Traits in Chinese Simmental Beef Cattle. Frontiers in Genetics. (SCI, IF=3.258)

12.    Zhao Y., N. Gao, X. Li, S. El-ashram, Z. Wang, et al., 2020 Identifying candidate genes associated with sperm morphology abnormalities using weighted single-step GWAS in a Duroc boar population. Theriogenology. (SCI, IF=2.094)

13.    Li Z., N. Gao, J. W. R. Martini, and H. Simianer, 2019. Integrating Gene Expression Data Into Genomic Prediction. Frontiers in Genetics. (SCI, IF=3.258)

14.    Teng J., N. Gao, H. Zhang, X. Li, J. Li, et al., 2019. Performance of whole genome prediction for growth traits in a crossbred chicken population. Poultry Science. (SCI, IF=2.659)

15.    Ye S., N. Gao, R. Zheng, Z. Chen, J. Teng, et al., 2019. Strategies for Obtaining and Pruning Imputed Whole-Genome Sequence Data for Genomic Prediction. Frontiers in Genetics. (SCI, IF=3.258)



1.      种猪料肉比自动测定站监控系统V1.0,(2020SR1134341),第一完成人







2017.03,广州,“广东省农业动物基因组学与分子育种重点实验室”和“农业部鸡遗传育种与繁殖重点实验室”2016年学术交流会,大会报告The role of biological knowledge in genomic selection

2016.09,德国—汉诺威,德国动物生产协会(DGfZ)年会,大会报告Approaches to incorporate genome annotation into genomic prediction

2014.05,广州,全国第一届ASReml研讨会,大会报告Improving Accuracy of Genomic Prediction by Genetic Architecture Based Priors in a Bayesian Model

2013.12,清远, “广东省农业动物基因组学与分子育种重点实验室”和“农业部鸡遗传育种与繁殖重点实验室”2013年学术交流会,大会报告Genetic Architecture Based Priors for Genomic Prediction


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